Beautiful Frosty Mornings | Cedar Rapids Children Photographer

by | Mar 30, 2018 | Uncategorized | 5 comments

As much as I want the warmth of spring and the beautiful flowers that come with it, I will miss this. Frosty mornings. As a mother, these images melt my heart. This is my 15 month old son Laken and believe me when I say he wasn’t thrilled about this impromptu photo shoot in our horse pasture yesterday morning. Lucky for me my favorite images of my children are not with big smiles and perfect eye contact, its the ones of them interacting with their surroundings and paying no attention to me. The image below was taken in November the day he turned 11 months old. Its crazy and sad how quickly they grow and change. We all have busy lives but I do truly hope you take these precious moments to document your life and your children’s lives. I know my children will love the images I capture of them when they are older and they will always be treasured by my husband and I.

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  1. Amanda

    I absolutely love pictures of children out exploring the snow! Cedar Rapids is such a gorgeous location, you are such a lucky photographer to have these pretty locations to shoot in!

  2. Christie

    What an adorable Cedar rapids baby boy!! This looks like a photographer’s dream location!! You are such a gifted children photographer!

  3. Christie

    Spring will be here before we know it in Cedar Rapids, IA but until then I love seeing these photos you capture of children! Love your work!

  4. Lindsay Zilke

    I can see why that children’s image placed so well, it is amazing!!! He is so lucky that his Mommy is a Cedar Rapids, IA photographer!!! He will treasure images like these when he is older, and makes my Mom heart melt as well!

  5. Katerina

    How exciting to be in the top 20% of the S&S Contest as a Cedar Rapids IA Children Photographer!

Hey there, I´m Meryl

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